Wednesday 12 January 2011

Look and find for they'll be gone in the swiftness of time

Samburu Game Lodge Dinner by Candlelight
As we sat in the Samburu Safari Lodge bar by the dry river bank and looked down the river towards evening time, a large troop of baboons loomed in the distance, spanning the river and approached slowly but menacingly towards the lodge.  Fortunately all it took to disperse them into the trees on the opposite bank was the appearance of a Samburu warrior who shooed them away with some blood curdling yells.

Subdued lighting at Samburu Game Lodge

As dusk fell and we supped by candlelight at the lodge, the rustling and chatter from the monkeys in the trees grew louder as they squabbled for roosting places for the night.  This was punctuated with the occasional shriek and thrashing of leaves as they chased each other away from their favourite perch.  Slowly but surely they settled down for the night and then silence settled around like a fog.  Now and then a shadowy, mysterious form slinked by along the river as we strained our eyes to see through the quiet gloom.  After a last few drinks we also decided to call it a night.  Feeling thoroughly spooked we decided to avail of the hotel service in which staff with torches  accompanied guests down the dimly lit path to the cabin rooms.

Full moon amongst Samburu trees
Our curtains were still left a little open so we could peek out to attribute some rustling sounds to deer or buffalo stealthily browsing by as the full moon rose.   Sleep finally came as stillness descended outside and memories of the sounds, sights and experiences of our first night in the safari park lingered on my subconcious mind accompanied by the half-remembered words to the strains of These are the days of our lives by Queen.