Saturday 20 November 2010

Children in need of love and life

Mothers Mercy Home in Limuru near Nairobi
You could not meet happier children than those at the Mothers Mercy Home and it was a real joyous occasion to spend a week with them at Limuru just outside Nairobi in Kenya. Those smiles hide sad stories of how the kids came to be at the home which is supported by our church through Bishop Ranji.  They offered my wife a ride down a small hill on an old bike they shared and much to their amusement and to squeals of laughter, my wife only discovered that it had no brakes at the bottom of the hill! 

Feeding time at David Sheldrick centre
Another glorious and happy place is the David Sheldrick centre during feeding time for orphaned elephants and other endagered species.  The minature wonders had a rollicking time in the chocolatey, muddy pool before taking huge gulps from giant milk bottles.  This was eagerly followed by complete abandonment of any dignity by slopping over each other in the glorious mud that keeps their delicate skin from getting burnt in the relentless late morning sun.

Hearts were however stolen by the little plump sausage of a rare, baby black rhino, that had been found near it's mother killed by poachers, who bounded in after the elephants had left.  It proceeded to test its newly found head butting skills by playfully charging down the ranks of tourists who kept well out the way of its muddy snout.
So after the time spent enjoying the unfettered joy and energy of the young of all life on earth, one's heart was filled with hope that these beautiful progeny will mould the future in their image.  Here's a really cute song to celebrate this feeling from Sade, Babyfather.