Wednesday 17 November 2010

Return to Kenya

Karen's luxurious bougainvillea hedges with "Smiley"
The cloud of apprehension of returning to a changed Africa after 38 years away soon evaporated when we  arrived in Kenya as dawn broke over chaotic Nairobi International airport and were met by our chatty driver.  Introducing himself with profuse handshakes and an unpronounceable   Swahili name, he added ... "Everone calls me Smiley" with a huge, toothy, grin as he cheerfully and vigorously swerved around the early morning rush-hour traffic.

Guest house dogs and owner
Avoiding the bustling, expensive and reportedly unsafe central area, we chose to stay at the more sedate and old neighourhood of Karen with its old colonial houses with large gardens surrounded by kaleidoscopic bougainvillea hedges near Karen Blixen's "Out of Africa" old home and original coffee plantation.  We arrived as life lazily stirred at the Karen Camp guest house on early Sunday morning and the New Zealand owner's giant but friendly german shepherds curiously investigated all the new arrivals. Pongo, the largest one, hovered around us enjoying all the petting and attention lavished on him fully anticipating many a tit bit off our table when breakfast was served.

St. Francis Anglican church in Karen
After a hearty breakfast of spanish omlette, toast and tea we just had to stir out to explore the environs starting by joining the nearby well-attended, vibrant and exuberant youth Sunday service at the Anglican church of St. Francis.

The pastor said there were 3 services (2 in English and 1 in Swahili) on Sundays and all of them to a full church.  Judging by the numbers in the congregation and cars outside we did not doubt the popularity of this church.